Continuing North Part 1
November 21st, 2003 | Back to Blog Listing
Did a ton of driving today. While it was still a pretty neat drive, it rained for about 8 straight hours - more specifically, it poured for about 8 straight hours. Along the drive were literally hundreds of waterfalls covering the surrounding mountains and hills. Every so often we would come across a waterfall that was spilling thousands of liters per minute onto the road. We stopped at both the Fox Glacier and the Frans Joseph Glacier but were unable to tour either of them because of the continuing weather.

One point of interest was a glowworm cave we came across around 10pm, probably 50km or so outside of Greymouth. After a short hike in the pouring rain with only a pocket maglite, we came across the elusive glowworms. They were pretty impressive - very similar to bioilluminescents found under tropical waters at night.