Kevin Ludlow is a 46-year-old accomplished software developer, business manager, writer, musician, photographer, world traveler, and serial entrepreneur from Austin, Texas. He is also a former candidate for the Texas House of Representatives.
Please take a moment to view his complete resume for more information.
Note: the entirety of this website was architected and developed from the ground up exclusively by Kevin Ludlow.
Originally posted on Facebook May 20th, 2009
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Ohh thankfully I have a little sister who is all too kind. She wrote even MORE things about me =]
1. He documents pretty much every nanosecond of his life.
2. He once commented that he wanted the responsibility of an egg.
3. He used to have a dry erase board in his house covered with math problems and equations.
4. As a 10 year old, he had business cards that proclaimed him a "Nintendo Wizard"
5. He considers himself 66% Irish, 33% Mexican, and 1% Antarctican.
6. He also claims to have Jewish roots, though he will openly tell you religion can blow itself.
7. He has boxers for every holiday imaginable.
8. He is cynical about almost everything, except New Year's Eve.
9. He doesn't like to give gifts - he prefers the "Kevin gift card" (cash in an envelope)
10. He got suspended for throwing his "flour baby" off the balcony in high school. He tried to claim it was a tragic accident, but the vice principal remained unconvinced.
11. He routinely gave his sister "demerits" growing up.
12. He doesn't believe in keeping things for sentimental reasons. He would rather sell them for cash.
13. He managed to slice a ball so badly at the driving range it hit the guard rail, flew up, and smacked him right above the eye.
14. He'd like to go to law school. Not for the degree, but just to have a better understanding of the law and judicial process.
15. He once convinved our mom he wasn't feeling well so she would make him tea. Little did she know he wanted it so he could enjoy his "magic mushrooms" before a Peal Jam concert.
16. He once promised to give his sister his Alanis Morissette tickets if he made a half court [basketball] shot. He made it, yet his sister has never seen Alanis in concert.
17. He moved from New Jersey to Texas when he was 8. He navigated the whole way because his mom is unable to read a map.
18. He got his navel pierced while on a first date with a girl in high school.
19. He named the houseplant in his old apartment. Sadly, Planty I, Leafy, and Planty II all died.
20. He had a pet mouse named Mario Van Peebles Mouseman III.
21. He still has the stuffed eagle his dad bought him in Alaska. Eagle Eagle lives on his living room shelf.
22. He once tried to paddle across the canal at his grandparents to the minature island around 50 feet away. The raft deflated halfway there.
23. He wanted to be a millionare by his 30th birthday. Instead, he had to settle for a safe filled with ten 100,000 grand bars.
24. He was the neighbors favorite babysitter becuse he could always beat levels of Mario for them.
25. He once had a pet crawfish named Bob. He lived around 7 hours.
25 Things Written About Me
Originally posted on Facebook May 20th, 2009
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I'll let the writer of this remain anonymous for the time being, but per #10 on the list, I'd sure love to see more of these pop up!
BEWARE LADIES: 25 Things You Should Know About Kevin Patrick Ludlow
1. He cackles when he thinks something is particularly funny, and if you point out his cackle, he will cackle even louder.
2. He once had a comic strip in college titled "Super Sperm." It was a Superman-esque comic about a superhero sperm.
3. He loves having his toes popped (shudder) and will try to persuade you to pop them for him. If you are unsuccessful, he will complain.
4. He twirls his hair and/or plays with his hands when he is thinking or talking about something serious.
5. He considers being submersed in any type of water as his shower for the day. Pools, rivers, etc. - it all counts.
6. He is generally impatient.
7. He is, however, amazingly patient with children.
8. He has a sweet tooth.
9. He has a particular fondness for Krispy Kreme raspberry filled donuts.
10. He likes being the center of attention.
11. He doesn't like being like everyone else and will go out of his way to be different - i.e. wearing black dress socks with shorts or one gray sock and one white sock.
12. He is determined and hates to fail. As evidence, he works far more hours than the average person.
13. He prefers floss sword sticks over regular floss.
14. Speaking of swords, he has a knack for fusing the little swords that spear olives, etc. into eye glasses. Check out the link for evidence:
15. He often brushes his teeth in the shower.
16. He is good at making animal sounds. I think I stumped him once with giraffe though.
17. He doesn't drink coffee but likes Earl Grey tea.
18. He is allergic to almost everything.
19. He likes to argue his views and doesn't like to be wrong.
20. He often pays with $2 bills.
21. Due to his natural coat of hair, he prefers the colder climates."
22. He has a hole in his nasal cavity.
23. He doesn't enjoy singing in front of others unless he is drunk and the radio is turned up.
24. He enjoys opera music.
25. He has been known to do aerobatic tricks at high altitudes. He doesn't frighten easily but is terrified of spiders.
I've been playing in this acoustic style for a number of years, but wanted to lay down a short track so I could share with people on YouTube and Facebook. This particular clip is not really a song, but more so just a clip of my style.