The campaign spread in the Austin Pets Directory One of the best parts of running a political campaign is getting to meet new people in all sorts of life experiences. One of those people I stumbled across happens to be one of Austin's most amazing by the name of Liz Parker.
Liz is the city's go-to for all things related to dogs. She is a volunteer at the Austin Animal Shelter, Austin Pets Alive, and also happens to own a local print magazine called Austin Pets Directory. And wouldn't you know it, she wanted to do a story about the campaign in her magazine. We had a great time with it and I love the writeup she did. The article reads as follows:
Kevin Ludlow is a lot of things. He's a writer, musician, a successful owner and operator of a software firm, an avid animal lover, and most notably - he is a candidate for the Texas House of Representatives in District 46.
He is passionate, but thoughtful, and pretty brilliant. There are a few people who make the world a better place and we think Kevin Ludlow is one of them. A Houston native (we love almost everything about him) and 16 year Austin resident, Kevin has always had a penchant for both writing and political activism. His involvement with civic activities began when he was a student at the University of Texas at Austin. After graduating with a BA in mathematics in 2003, Ludlow traveled to New Zealand where he lived for a year. After returning to Austin, Kevin returned to writing. He was inspired by the feedback his political musings received and in 2012 that feedback fueled his drive to publish a book, American Healthcare: A Moderate Approach In August of the same year, Ludlow, along with Jad Davis, founded the JKPodcast, a weekly political science podcast. The show quickly grew in popularity and has thousands of listeners.
When Kevin decided to run for office, he never imagined getting this far. "I thought, if I can get even 16% of the votes, that's a huge accomplishment", he says. But the Libertarian party had other plans. Thanks to the party and its volunteers, and thousands of supporters who believe in Ludlow's positions on both state and national issues, he has made incredible progress.
Growing up, the Ludlow family had no less than two cats at a time. Kevin also enjoyed caring for the family fish, gerbils, hamsters, and even a crawfish named Bob. He's also had a Sheltie named Barney the Dog, a Chihuahua named Freckles, and Senor Taco, a dachshund.
He is a big time fan of the put bull breed and is always pet sitting for friends.
If you care about issues like drug law reform, LGBT: marriage and Equality, and women's rights, or just want to learn more, visit Ludlow2014.com.