It's taken a ton of planning to get the interior to this part, but it's finally taking full shape. I completed the bench seating frame of the driver's side today and was able to affix the 1/2" ply before the day ended. I wanted to make sure the job was done right so I used proper 2x4 joists for the crossbar support beams. They're probably a little overkill, but at $0.74 each, I figured I could spare it.
I don't have any pictures of it, but Caroline and I purchased some sample foam and black vinyl just to see what it will look like. Needless to say it wraps the seats very well. I'm looking forward to getting there in the next week or two.
You can also see the polyethylene foam (the pink noodle) in one of the photos below. We'll be putting safety foam over all of the edges before wrapping them in vinyl.
A closeup of one of the support joists.
The 2x4 support beams installed in the joists.
The completed driver's side bench frame from the front of the bus.
The completed driver's side bench frame from the back of the bus. You can see the polyethylene foam temporarily wrapped around the door frame.