I would just like to say to anyone who has told me New Zealand 'does not really have spiders', you are wrong or a liar. For the past few weeks now I have been watching the so called Black Tunnelweb spiders make funnel like nests in front of my flat. Today I came home around 11:00pm and headed into the bathroom only to be staring at one of these monsters stretching perhaps 2 - 2.5" across. This is not my idea of 'no spiders' much less even 'small spiders'. It was huge to say the very least. I have read that they can be typically found inside of bathrooms as they seek the water when straying inside - but I am left to think that spiders aren't smart enough to know where the bathroom is. This would leave me to conclude that these things are crawling around in my house and eventually stumble upon the bathroom. I am hoping not to come across any others.