...albeit this one is only 19 entries. I'm told it is to remain anonymous.
1. He has a great head of hair that is probably healthier than yours. 2. He knows how to plan a great date - down to timing the music. There's a reason the song ended when you got out of the car... 3. He's cuckoo for math. He once etched the Fibonacci Sequence into a cabinet he made. 4. Kevin is a problem solver. 5. He has a healthy dose of arrogance. 6. He has the ability to bullshit about anything and make you think he's smarter than he is. 7. He has all the right equipment and knows how to use it to your advantage. 8. He's very romantic (poems, rose petal baths, etc) and loves surprises. 9. He likes launching rockets. I'm sure you can view many of his rocket launches on his website: www.kevinludlow.com 10. He blows his nose A LOT. 11. He's furry. 12. He rode around on a baby blue Vespa in college. 13. He and a friend (who will remain nameless) once took turns shooting each other with a CO2 powered paintball gun from about 20 ft apart. It hurt just to watch. 14. Kevin once went late-night lobster hunting (with a self-crafted broomstick spear) off the coast of Mexico, which is very illegal. 15. The word 'illegal' bares no relevance to Kevin. 16. He speaks excellent Spanish and will even start to speak English with a Spanish accent around native Spanish speakers. 17. He built his own levels in Counterstrike. 18. He was an extra in the movie Varsity Blues. 19. Kevin is making the term 'Renaissance Man' cool and acceptable again.