There are 276 blog entries within the category of Blog Entry
 The Outright Arizona podcast with host Mike Shipley The complete episode can be found here. While serving as a delegate at the Libertarian Party National Convention, I had the pleasure of being introduced to Mike Shipley from Phoenix, Arizona. I was immediately intrigued at the organization he chairs.
In 1998, an organization was founded called Outright Libertarians. The organization works to present the Libertarian Party and candidates to the LGBTQ community. They also work to monitor the Libertarian Party's continued support of the LGBTQ community and equality in general. Mike is the current chair of the organization and also founded and runs the Arizona chapter.
He asked me if I would like an opportunity to discuss my campaign with his listeners. Of course I jumped at the idea. I was especially excited to be a guest since promoting LGBTQ equality within the State of Texas is one of my primary platform goals.
We spent the first part of the show discussing the LGBTQ community in Austin and then in Texas as a whole. We also spent some time talking about my opponent and the difference between being reactionary towards the LGBTQ community versus being truly proactive (she has been the former; I am interested in the latter). After a short break, we came back and discussed ending the so-called "war on drugs" as well as my position on removing the TSA from Texas.
Libertarians Working for You with host Arvin Vohra This afternoon I was the featured guest on a nationally syndicated internet radio show called Libertarians Working for You. The show is hosted by Arvin Vohra and focuses on what changes Libertarian candidates across the country would bring into their respective offices.
We had four different segments between commercial breaks and fit quite a bit of information in throughout the show. We began our conversation with how to address, and ultimately abolish the War on Drugs within the State of Texas. From there we moved onto removing both the TSA and the NSA from the State of Texas.
After a second commercial break we came back to discuss how I would introduce marriage equality for the LGBTQ community within Texas. We ended the show with a discussion on how to remove crony-capitalism from within the State. Of course this last point tied heavily back into the War on Drugs given the crony-capitalism that exists between the state and militarized contractors.
The show can be found on the Libertarians Working for You website in its entirety.
Posing in front of the new Satoshi Square at 3rd and Chicon This 4th of July holiday I was invited to check out the new Satoshi Square at 3rd and Chicon. It was a great opportunity to meet people in East Austin while out on the campaign trail.
If you've not yet heard of this place, do yourself a favor and check it out. They have a well-organized, shared-space warehouse with a strong community focus on Bitcoin.
I really wasn't sure what to expect when I got there. In my own words, it's best described as a coffee shop for educating people about Bitcoin. There were plenty of people there helping others navigate the technical details; I saw several people obtain their first Bitcoin wallet.
If you're in the Austin area, I would highly advise stopping in and checking it out.
 Kevin Ludlow addressing TX NORML from the stage at the Flamingo Cantina I was approached by TX NORML a few weeks back and asked if I would consider being the speaker at their upcoming monthly business meeting. I excitedly accepted the opportunity.
For those unfamiliar with the group, NORML stands for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. They are a massive national organization with a presence virtually everywhere. They are responsible for shedding light on so many of the problems with drug prohibition in the United States and actively seek candidates who are interested in reversing this nightmare in the country.
As one of those candidates I was honored to speak at the event. There was a pretty sizable crowd; my speech was very well received. I look forward to meeting with them many more times before the election.
A video question I created for the incumbent of district 46 Following an interesting series of events, the current incumbent for TX House District 46 acknowledged one of the claims I made about her recently. I created this video in direct response to her and posted the video on both her Facebook and Twitter feeds.
Following one of our canvassing days, a constituent of Ms. Dukes received one of my campaign flyers on her door, photoed it, and posted it to her Twitter feed inquiring about the competition. Dukes didn't respond.
Some of her constituents spent the next couple of weeks on Twitter discussing my claim that she is not as LGBTQ friendly as one might expect an Austin Democrat to be. While she has always shot down bigoted Republican bills aimed at further subjugating gays and lesbians, to the best of my knowledge she has never attempted to introduce legislation actually aimed at marriage equality for Texans. I suspect this is due to the fact that she is "playing politics", but of course this is largely the problem with our entire political apparatus; politicians are more interested in securing their next term than righting obvious injustices.
She eventually weighed in on the conversation. The cited a gay Dallas magazine that had given her accolades for a speech she made against an extremely bigoted Republican bill. The video picks up from that part in the chain of events.
 Getting introduced to Gary Johnson at the Libertarian Party National Convention in Columbus, Ohio I have been an enormous fan of Gary Johnson since he ran for President under the Libertarian ticket back in 2012. Admittedly I did not know a lot about Mr. Johnson when he was the governor of New Mexico, but I wish I had.
I was fortunate enough to see both him and Judge Gray speak on several different occasions throughout the convention. Among many other amazing projects, they are currently pursuing a lawsuit against the Commission on Presidential Debates. While this entity might sound like a public institute, it is actually a private non-profit with massive corporate sponsors. The Woman League of Voters famously denounced the entity when they co-opted the debate process back in the late 1980s. No candidate outside of the Republican and Democrat party has been able to participate in the process since Ross Perot's pseudo-success of 1992.